I have had a real struggle lately with drawing the line between severing and accepting others and being take advantage of.ROMANS 15:1-7
[1] We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. [2] Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. [3] For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: "The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me." [4] For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. [5] May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, [6] so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. [7] Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
"The strongest persons are those most surrendered to God; the weakest persons are those most surrendered to themselves" (E. Stanley Jones).
A time of unrest and frustration has become part of my life the last few days. I want to put my foot down and say, "I am a person don't treat me this way". And yet when I look at the life of Christ--I must hang my head in failure.
Spiritual laziness can often cause human laziness. A laziness that causes us to drag our feet when it comes to being Christ like servants.
Weariness weighs on my bones--only because I have not surrendered to God in some areas. I have become weak walking in my own strength.
Time with God is a must. While I am with Him --He tells me who I am and fills me with His Spirit----my strength. Then with a positive attitude I am willing to serve others. I am willing to be "beaten" for His names sake.
I am willing to tote the burdens of the Lord, just as Jesus did. I don't notice that I am carrying a burden because Jesus said, Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.
Burdens in my life don't often fall to the physical--but the mental. And then, because my mind is weary---my body likes to jump on the band wagon and agree, "Yes, we are so weary".
When weariness is caused by my own spiritual laziness-----I am more than hesitant to go to God with my burden. I guess you could say I am embarrassed to go to Him.
This morning I started doing something that God has been dealing with me about for awhile. Surrender. First thing in the morning before my feet even really get a chance to hit the floor and my mind starts running. I rolled out of bed and let my knees hit the floor.
I told God I wanted to be surrendered to Him today. I wanted to be obedient to Him. Also, I asked Him to fill me with His spirit and thanked Him for giving me the mind of Christ. I confessed my selfish actions and thanked Him for forgiving me. And then I got up and started my day.
The plan---to start my day this way everyday.
So will you help me out with my goal? Will you ask me every once in a while if I hit my knees that morning? Hold me accountable.
Yah hit it again -- yep, starting my day on my knees. Now THAT's a plan!! Thanks (again) for the reminder!!! Dr. appt. was fine -- more on my blog. Ty for prayers. D
I loved the honesty of this post (not to imply you haven't been in the other ones!) But you know what I mean.
Never fear running to Him. Even take your embarrassment to Him in your return. Oh goodness how I desperately need Him.
I too join you in the need to start my day off as such. So I'll join you in the accountability.
Just sending some sweet hugs your way. I need to get on my knees too, so a challenging post. I've been way out of kilter these past couple of days - hormonal, recovering from the bug, concerned and emotions trying to fly hither and thither. The storm is passing and 2 words spoke deeply to me - because I couldn't describe what was going on with me "Fret Not".
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