This morning as I was praying I heard a little something different taking place in my prayers. I finished asking God to fill me with His spirit and then I started touching on different areas of my life that I know I need help in. My prayer went something like this, "and God help me to be obedient today"---and then I felt the check of the Holy Spirit. It was almost like He was asking me why in the world would I want Him to join His efforts with my human effort.
Does that make sense?
Why would He take His perfect ability and join it with my flawed-often sinful nature? So my prayer began to change. "Holy Spirit be obedient to the will of the Father through my body today. Get done through my body the things that the Father has planned today".
If in my flesh I am incapable of good--then why in the world would I want Him to mix perfection with imperfection? I want the best to offer back to God----who wants to offer Him a little sugar mixed with mud? Not I.
So after prayers and of course, making a pot of Georgia Pecan coffee--I sat down with Oswald Chambers and the book of James. Now,-- I know some of ya'll like tea in the morning instead--that is fine but I just have to have some of that strong stuff so that I have an excuse to use my half n half and the pink stuff. :)
I usually read Mr Chambers first. I love the depth of his relationship with God. He would have been someone that I would have enjoyed sitting down with and taring through the Word.
This morning was all about the spiritually lazy saint. Hmmmmm, seems like I have been talking along those lines recently. God is talking, this is a good thing.
Here is a little something that caught me--
The true test of our spirituality occurs when we come up against injustice, degradation, ingratitude, and turmoil, all of which have the tendency to make us spiritually lazy.Boy-- can I say that recently that had proven true in my life.
Is it true that a lazy person is just one running from truth and responsibility.
Yep--that had been me.
Kinda of acting like a spiritually immature, spoiled, brat. Yes, harsh--but true.
And then when I read my portion in the book of James this morning I got a little something else to chew on.
James 3:17-18So I see that I have been walking forth in the wisdom of this world--because my life was not looking much like the verse above. Now maybe on the outside my life was exhibiting some of those traits--but what about the inside. Uhhhhh-NO!
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
What is down in the well has to come up in the bucket. I don't care what lies I try and tell myself--what is in my heart will come out of my mouth.
So this morning when I prayed--I prayed right. I don't want God to mix His good stuff with my --good enough. I want to get clean out of the way and let the Holy Spirit glorify the Father through the body of Sharon---- who is dead. Sounds like a bunch of weird stuff? Maybe the words should be more like-- awesomely weird.
How great is it that all the traits of heavenly wisdom are available to show up in this earthly body everyday?
Let's all be about letting the glory of God show through us today----- and everyday as we get out of the way!
“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing yet had been done.”
~C.S. Lewis~
This is the theme for todays posts over at Sting My Heart. For more women talking about starting everyday anew with God go on over and visit Iris .
~C.S. Lewis~
This is the theme for todays posts over at Sting My Heart. For more women talking about starting everyday anew with God go on over and visit Iris .
Your comment about tea made me smile...I prefer tea....I enjoyed sitting with you for a while and reading.
Great post! Bless you for sharing.
Can I join you and Mr. Oswald one heavenly day!!?? :)
Good stuff. James will straight up tear you up!
Enjoyed your post, as always.
What good food for thought!!
I love the quote from CS Lewis!!
Thank you!!
thank you, from another lady who's just trying to get out of the way...
Hi Sharon. I was praying for you during the night, that God would meet you in awesome ways during your 'knee' times, that a breakthrough you long for would occur, taking you past where you have been before in your walk with God.
I am back on an even kilter today, we had visitors last night (I must blog that!) which was awesome to hear them share their dreams in God and I felt a heaviness leave me regarding my worries. there's been a contention with the old flesh and the spirit this week that's for sure, the Devil trying to pull me back and discourage...it almost played havoc with the diet - chocolate was looking extremely appealing, but after one lax day I have resisted, stepped back up with the programme and wanting to breakthrough with God. You have been such an encouragement to me Sharon.
I saw my Dad last for a week in September 2004, before that it was for a week in April 2002, so not much catching up. He had his big tests yesterday, and goes to the surgery for the review of them on Wednesday morning, so I will be ringing Thursday night NZ time, their Thursday morning.
"We have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves..." 2 Cor. 4:7
What a good word, sista...thanks for blessing us with it! Girl, where do you get Georgia Pecan coffee? It sounds heavenly! Would love to share a cup of that with you...half n half and all!
Hi there: thanks for today's posts. Vey busy days around here. VBS at church and lots of cleaning to get ready for company. Hubby is trying to get the bathroom put in downstairs for them, so lots going on. I was thinking of you today and wondering how you were doing with staying off sugar- this while i was sampling cookie dough! I am doing better than I used to at staying away from sweets, though not going as hard core as I should.
Enjoyed reading what you wrote today. Thanks for the inspiration!
You know what hit me while reading your post? I get far too often in the way of God. I just realized that.
I enjoyed reading Oswald Chambers' devotionals last year. Maybe I should pick it up again this year...never to late to start a good thang :)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this week's IOW quote.
Blessings to you and yours.
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