I know I am being a little sporadic in posting....sorry about that.
This week has been a tad busy and a little emotionally draining...but all is well....He is still sitting on His throne!
I got the chance to try out my road legs on Tuesday and make a trip on my own. I had a meeting for my case in Hickory, N.C an hour and a half away. I have not even driven to Asheville by myself (45 minutes away) so I was a tad nervous. But all was well as I looked in the lane next to me about half way there and saw the parents of my GAL children ridding right along side me. They waved and then pulled in front so that I could follow them the rest of the way. I kind of viewed it as a little wink from God.....like He was saying....See I AM looking out for you girl!
I smiled and told Him thank you. He is the perfect gentlemen.
The meeting went well and I headed home on my own....with God and my GPS....and didn't get lost. \o/
Keith had been sick so I had time to run in and check on him before I was out the door for another GAL meeting.
This was a meeting with the psych people for my boy....my Gal boy.
Can you say....HOGWASH? Now I know I don't have a psych degree...but PLEASE!
Nothing I am capable of doing is going to change my heart or actions.....only God can do that.
Now there are some things that I can do to de stress so that I don't take things out on other people.....but ultimately.....only God can change a life. And I don't need a degree to know that!
But.....they are doing their best.
One thing that kind of urked me....and you can call me on this......I hated having our dirty laundry as a body of Christ aired in front of other who don't know Him.
We sat there and talked about all the things that were going wrong and that needed to be changed......and then they gave us worldy solutions.
I don't know it just got to me. I could not help but wonder what God thought of it all.
It was good to get all these meetings over in one day....they exhaust me emotionally.
Can you imagine what they do to the parents?
Other news...... my body is finally starting to feel a little stronger....that's a good thing.
I have gotten to work out twice this week....which makes me feel better and I know it is good for me mentally and physcially.
The weather here has been mostly rainy....but goodness...the flowers and green trees are so worth it. So the rain has kept things cool but slowed the outside walking down a tad.
Oh, and today was perm day!
My hair had finally grown out enough after my HELIX cut...I don't even want to go there......and so I braved a perm at a new place. I think things went well....but I can't wait to wash it and get rid of the delightful smell.
Tried opening a conversation about God with the lady who was doing my hair...but you could tell she didn't want to go there. And since my head was still under her care....we moved on in conversation. :)
I'll leave you some pictures from our hike on Mother's Day.
Rememer He loves you and He is crazy about you.........PERIOD!
Hey...He created you for HIMSELF.....and that was after He already knew what you would be like....the good, the bad, and the u.g.l.y. ;)
Talk to Him....He loves you so!
My man being silly and my niece.
They call it a walking bridge.....I call it a LOG.
I just thought these two shrooms were cute...you could see where little animals had been eating on them.
Is that a blue sky or what? Over one shoulder was this and over the other shoulder was this-

Well, not in the sky over my shoulder.....it is an elk .
Have a great rest of the day....I'll be by to check on you all a little later.
I know I have fallen behind with my reading......but I will catch up.
WHY........cuz I care. ;)
This week has been a tad busy and a little emotionally draining...but all is well....He is still sitting on His throne!
I got the chance to try out my road legs on Tuesday and make a trip on my own. I had a meeting for my case in Hickory, N.C an hour and a half away. I have not even driven to Asheville by myself (45 minutes away) so I was a tad nervous. But all was well as I looked in the lane next to me about half way there and saw the parents of my GAL children ridding right along side me. They waved and then pulled in front so that I could follow them the rest of the way. I kind of viewed it as a little wink from God.....like He was saying....See I AM looking out for you girl!
I smiled and told Him thank you. He is the perfect gentlemen.
The meeting went well and I headed home on my own....with God and my GPS....and didn't get lost. \o/
Keith had been sick so I had time to run in and check on him before I was out the door for another GAL meeting.
This was a meeting with the psych people for my boy....my Gal boy.
Can you say....HOGWASH? Now I know I don't have a psych degree...but PLEASE!
Nothing I am capable of doing is going to change my heart or actions.....only God can do that.
Now there are some things that I can do to de stress so that I don't take things out on other people.....but ultimately.....only God can change a life. And I don't need a degree to know that!
But.....they are doing their best.
One thing that kind of urked me....and you can call me on this......I hated having our dirty laundry as a body of Christ aired in front of other who don't know Him.
We sat there and talked about all the things that were going wrong and that needed to be changed......and then they gave us worldy solutions.
I don't know it just got to me. I could not help but wonder what God thought of it all.
It was good to get all these meetings over in one day....they exhaust me emotionally.
Can you imagine what they do to the parents?
Other news...... my body is finally starting to feel a little stronger....that's a good thing.
I have gotten to work out twice this week....which makes me feel better and I know it is good for me mentally and physcially.
The weather here has been mostly rainy....but goodness...the flowers and green trees are so worth it. So the rain has kept things cool but slowed the outside walking down a tad.
Oh, and today was perm day!
My hair had finally grown out enough after my HELIX cut...I don't even want to go there......and so I braved a perm at a new place. I think things went well....but I can't wait to wash it and get rid of the delightful smell.
Tried opening a conversation about God with the lady who was doing my hair...but you could tell she didn't want to go there. And since my head was still under her care....we moved on in conversation. :)
I'll leave you some pictures from our hike on Mother's Day.
Rememer He loves you and He is crazy about you.........PERIOD!
Hey...He created you for HIMSELF.....and that was after He already knew what you would be like....the good, the bad, and the u.g.l.y. ;)
Talk to Him....He loves you so!

Have a great rest of the day....I'll be by to check on you all a little later.
I know I have fallen behind with my reading......but I will catch up.
WHY........cuz I care. ;)
Loved this chatty post! Great to get caught up with you. I love it that God sent you an escort! I know what you mean about psychology...only when it is balanced with someone who is a Christian and applies Biblical principles is it very helpful! Loved the pictures...we are getting a lot of rain too but everything is so green! Once gain I loved getting glimpses of your heart and mind! Blessings to you sweet sister! Leslie
I LOVE having blogging friends in really pretty parts of the country...totally different than my normal view of life. GREAT pictures. Our Mother's Day was spent at a local Arboretum....go back a post or two on my site and be blessed. I can look at those pictures all day.
I got my degree in Social Work....MANY moons ago....never worked out there in the system...just internships and volunteer stuff. It is filled with a lot of people who really do care about helping others but are bound up in human ways. I used to sneak God in with clients...it's a sad world out there. But each step we take can plant a seed.
I'm so glad you were bold and became God's hands and feet with GAL. I know it's stressful but keep on with Him. I'll continue to help you pray.
And you know the pictures delight my heart. I so wish there was a one day... ;)
You know I would love that view out off my porch, instead of the neighbor's back yard....I gotta get my Mitford books out.....
I enjoyed this post sweetie, loved the pictures.
I'm glad you are starting to feel better, sorry to hear about the meeting....but it sounds like you are on the case for a reason!! And His name starts with a J. ;)
Great pics!!
An awesome post. Glad you got the meetings all over with and that He was there with you on the road.
Love the photos. The elk is magnificient. I would love to go on a walk like that with you. I've walked that kind of foot bridge many times in my youth. We thought it was fun back then. Today, I would probably fall off. LOL
Take care, my friend. Enjoy the beautiful colors of spring.
As someone who once used to work in the Hair Industry, your comments made me laugh today.
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