Waynesville, N.C..
How long will we be gone?
Not sure.
Should we call an agent to look for a home for us to buy?
God already knows what He has for us...He will take us to it.
Besides, I am not even sure if what we are going to get is for sale yet.
:0.....um, so are you just going to go up to their door and ask them to sell us their house?!
"Sari", God will show us the way. He has been asking me lately...."what are you waiting for?"
So, we are going.
Deep breath....O.K, I will pack.
"Sari".......just have Faith...God will provide.
So........just in case you could't tell from the conversation above...my faith is being stretched.
Do I believe that God is still the same yesterday, today, and forever more?
Could He still possible call some to blindly walk without knowing the where?
This is where we are.
I want to thank ya'll for praying for the sell of our property.
We have had two takers on the two pieces in Franklinton and still need one for the property in Covington. Thank you for your prayers.
We should sign the papers for the Franklinton property next week.
In my mind.....human mind of course.....I still see some things that need to be taken care of before we leave. But, if I believe that God can lead and guide us through my husband.....then I must trust that he is hearing God loud and clear right now.
Yes, I have pictures of the big "SUBMIT!" floating through the air above my head.
So...... we are going to go and look around somewhere North of Waynesville , N.C.. And we will be gone for a few days.
God knows what we need, what we would like to have, and what He has already planned for us.
Exciting? YES!
A little scary? Yes, oh yes!
But I do feel like I am being stretched. And that is a good thing.
I don't always have to know the how's, the whens, the wheres and the whys.
The answers to these always bring a bit of security to my life. But I know He is to be my security. He holds my future.....and He says it is a great future!
So...... Sari.....is going now to pack a bag for a few days of traveling.
I will bring my computer with me so maybe I be able to drop in every once in a while.
North Carolina....here we come!
I would love to travel.....and I love to read about your journey in life right now. If you are ever in my area, pick me up and I will travel with you...
I can tell you I know exactly how you are feeling just now. Apprehensive, anxious, a little lost, uncertain, insecure and it's the not knowing that gets to one the most. Okay so maybe you aren't feeling all those things but they are how I have felt in our many, many moves. I am excited to know that you are not all that far from here although I was tempted to ask you "Way over there????" OOPS! I just did? Oh I can tell you this, when you do end up where the Lord is leading you, you will be thrilled, surprised, amazed, excited, exhilarated and content! Enjoy the journey be it ever so unsettling at times.
How very interesting that I should read your post today after the phone conversation I had just shared with another Christian woman. I, too, stand where you are.
"Do I believe that God is still the same yesterday, today and forever more?" yes
Do I believe that He would use me in a magnificient way? Who am I to God? Do I believe that He would do a miracle in order to send me to tend to His people?
These are the questions I am asking myself today, the important matters of my prayers and my writing today.
Thank you for shedding a bit of light for me.
Enjoy the ride my dear sister! The test to see if your still pliable is in the stretching. I know you and your hubby will be fine. And look at the awesome work God is doing in Keith. His walk with God is in hyperdrive! The blessings for your obedience will be great. Love ya much!
Wow. As I read I thought, "How exciting. What a thrilling place to be." Then I thought,"Wow. How scary! The reality of that has to be so hard." But your faith is shining through. I know you know the glorious joys that await after a difficult trial that tests your faith. I just know God is there leading and guiding and it is going to be AWESOME! You are in my prayers. And you are in the sufficient hands of an awesome God who can do exceedingly, abundantly more than you ask or imagine!
I do not do well under such stressful situations. Good for you in still continuing to trust in the One who will always provide for us.
Blessings, Sharon!
I have close friends who were praying for direction on whether or not to move across country to look after a sick relative. They prayed about it, and someone showed up on the doorstep of their unlisted house and offered to buy it. You moving to Waynesville might be the answer to someone else's prayers too! Keep us posted.
I can't wait to see where you "land"!!! I know it's scary but hang on the ride is going to be incredible!! I can totally see how you would feel like Sari!! =)
Oooo! I am torn btwn excitement for you and Keith & compassion for the difficult position you are in...! I know the temptation you face as I face it so many times myself. But, the stakes are high and I know that makes it so hard, my sister! Yet, ooooh, the sweet, sweet wine on the other side of this walk! Remember what Pastor Lisa shared from her husband's message? As the servant walked with the water - somehow on the journey it turned to the best, sweetest wine ever!
Your post has encouraged me to do this post I have (once again) been shying away from...as I thrilled at your conversation and the import, I realized that God was speaking to me reminding me of something He has been prompting me to do...
Is your old e-mail address still good?
Praying in a fresh way for you all!
Oooo! I am torn btwn excitement for you and Keith & compassion for the difficult position you are in...! I know the temptation you face as I face it so many times myself. But, the stakes are high and I know that makes it so hard, my sister! Yet, ooooh, the sweet, sweet wine on the other side of this walk! Remember what Pastor Lisa shared from her husband's message? As the servant walked with the water - somehow on the journey it turned to the best, sweetest wine ever!
Your post has encouraged me to do this post I have (once again) been shying away from...as I thrilled at your conversation and the import, I realized that God was speaking to me reminding me of something He has been prompting me to do...
Is your old e-mail address still good?
Praying in a fresh way for you all!
Sweet sis, I am holding you up in my prayers. I love you.
I wish you the best on this long journey that you are traveling along. How much is unknown seems so overwhelming and yet the Lord never gives us more than when can handle he will guild the way and surprise you all the while. Blessings my sister.
I am following your journey with excitement. So glad you have found two buyers so far. From the photo North Carolina looks stunningly gorgeous.
Praying for God's guidance for you all.
The Lord has been prompting me to pray for you today (Tuesday) and I have been. Saw a few red cardinals which reminded me of you. Praying for you! ((( hugs ))) D
PS I haven't been online most of the weekend but I felt that I had to come on tonight to check your blog...here I am. Praying.
We're trying to decide about picking up and moving too. It's sooooo scary though. I've been praying for you!
wow...scary and blessings all in one trip...my prayers are with you my sister...love you
This is exciting...on so many different fronts. What a story you are writing through your faith! I am blessed for the window view. Thanks for sharing so honestly about your journey.
Just checking on you! Have a safe and happy 4th!
Love ya!
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