I am thankful for the burdens given to us by God.
That He will place-- in out held hands the burdens of His heart. Now I am not talking about burdens like we think of a burden when we think of bills that we may not have the money for.
I am talking about the yearning and desire that fills the heart of our God to have
all His creation worshiping Him.
All of His creation once again unbroken and perfect.
I am thinking of the scripture that says being yoked to Him makes our burden carrying lite.
Does His being yoked to me --make His burden carrying light?
Just thoughts--if you know me you know my mind has to go there.
So when the Spirit cries out deep within me with groaning to deep to be uttered--
I say, thank you Jesus for sharing.
I am there right now.
And I bow my head and say thank you Abba Father.
On a lighter side.
(Now that I am rereading--I don't think I managed light--but it is still good!)
I am so thankful for lost sisters who are BACK with the Lord and being overwhelmed by the power of God. For hearts that were hard and dry that are now fresh and fertile soil for the Spirit to use. Thank you God that the fervent prayers of your righteous children avail MUCH!
Thank you that YOU never have a case that is hopeless. NEVER!
And last.
I am thankful for Godly men who are willing to fight for their wives by keeping on their spiritual armor. That even when they are broken and battered--they keep lifting prayers that move the heavenlies.
Thank you JESUS!
Enough from me--go see some more lovely ladies over at the original Sting My Heart site. Say hello to Iris, and thank her for talking the time to pull us all together.
That He will place-- in out held hands the burdens of His heart. Now I am not talking about burdens like we think of a burden when we think of bills that we may not have the money for.
I am talking about the yearning and desire that fills the heart of our God to have
all His creation worshiping Him.
All of His creation once again unbroken and perfect.
I am thinking of the scripture that says being yoked to Him makes our burden carrying lite.
Does His being yoked to me --make His burden carrying light?
Just thoughts--if you know me you know my mind has to go there.
So when the Spirit cries out deep within me with groaning to deep to be uttered--
I say, thank you Jesus for sharing.
I am there right now.
And I bow my head and say thank you Abba Father.
On a lighter side.
(Now that I am rereading--I don't think I managed light--but it is still good!)
I am so thankful for lost sisters who are BACK with the Lord and being overwhelmed by the power of God. For hearts that were hard and dry that are now fresh and fertile soil for the Spirit to use. Thank you God that the fervent prayers of your righteous children avail MUCH!
Thank you that YOU never have a case that is hopeless. NEVER!
And last.
I am thankful for Godly men who are willing to fight for their wives by keeping on their spiritual armor. That even when they are broken and battered--they keep lifting prayers that move the heavenlies.
Thank you JESUS!
Enough from me--go see some more lovely ladies over at the original Sting My Heart site. Say hello to Iris, and thank her for talking the time to pull us all together.
Mmm... thankin' Him with you Sister for everything you wrote, and I have to add how thankful I am that I got to meet you in person on Sunday. How very Great is our God!
Praying for your trip!
In His Joy,
I totally know what you mean the 'burdens' He is giving us :) - I have a couple of them, and with Him in the court it is easier to reach out to the ones He wants me to reach out to.
It is awesome that Godly men stand in the gap for their wives :)...and that wandering women return to His open arms.
Thank you so much for sharing your thankfulness with us this week.
Be blessed today and always.
What a precious list, bless you.
Wonderful post. I enjoyed reading your list. May the Lord bless you this week and always.
In his endless love,
Angel ( Angel Mama )
What a great list.
Blessings to you.
What a great list! Thank you for stopping by. I have one of those Godly men and I am so thankful for him. God Bless
What a great list! Thank you for stopping by. I have one of those Godly men and I am so thankful for him. God Bless
YOU know that I am soooooo thankful for fervent prayers of ones that are in right standing with God. Ones that, even though are hurt and battered by the ones they are fighting and praying for, refuse to be offended and always are consistant and obey and love even though the one they are praying for doesn't deserve it. Hmm, that sounds familiar. Can you say "just like Jesus"! I praise God that He gave you to me out of His wisdom and love because He knew your heart and He knew only someone with your depth and fortitude would be able to weather the storms and the desert. I celibrate rich soil and pray that the Word continue to water and cultivate. I also celibrate and acknowledge thankful sisters that are willing to travail for others. That word travail means: work, especially when arduous or involving painful effort; toil; agony; anguish. I will never forget, or stop thanking God, for the effort, time, tears and love you have poured into my life. With all of the love deposited in me from our source and Savior, I am, truely and thankfully your sister IN Christ.
With tears in my eyes--thank you. You know I don't deserve all that you said and I do not see my self that way---but God is changing me.I love you sister.
Mmm-hmmm...I'm feeling the power in those words, and the passion for our Lord. I get where you're coming from, and I love what you shared...
This is the most beautiful post and that picture at the top just speaks "Legacy" to me...
What a special woman you are!
Love that picture! Your post spoke to me today--lots to think about in terms of burdens.
Thanks for sharing!
The "out held hands" really got me today! So many times we want that or are willing for it but our hands are clenched in a fist instead of total surrender open and palms up! Which tells us that our body language can at times speak louder than our words! Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful post, I really enjoyed it.
I love your heart of compassion, love and tenacity for God and for others. May you be blessed hugely.
Haven't forgotten about you!!! Gonna miss you while you're away -- I'll be praying. Hopefully my little box will arrive in your mailbox before you get back! :) May God bless your work -- BTW, loved the milk story. D
Thanks for all your lovely comments. Oh no, I should have said - the only chocolate cake on their menu was a gluten free one, so we aren't on a gluten free diet. I must say though on a different tack I do feel better without bread in my diet.
Biggest hugs.
I am awe-inspired by your post! What an anointed post. I too have prayed for God to give me the burdens, or I say "passions" usually of His heart. You have blessed me today. Thank you for your precious words. :)
Hello precious one, come visit me over at my blog and join this fun 50 question tag, please let me know if you do it so i can get to know you. love always me
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