That puts me a 4.5 pounds down. Not enough for a button--but I'll take it anyway.The idea is a little bit at a time. It will happen if we don't give up and look back.
Yesterday was time for posting my dreams. Of course weight loss if one of those dreams. Do you have some dreams you need to vocalize and write down? You might want to check out that post. The MEME was started by Leigh over at Speaking Through Me.
If you would like to do a little dreaming--post it and let me know.
I get an email devotional by Elisabeth Elliot each morning--this morning was about dreaming and praying. I am doing a lot of praying and a lot of dreaming at this point in my life.
Today it is about some weight loss----I can see it. Me looking fit and trim. Healthy. Can you see it for yourself? We know this is according to God's will because He expects us to care for His temple. He says when we pray according to His will--we've got it.
If you have a little extra time here is the devotional. It is short but good.
So--you have a fantastic day in the Lord. You are the apple of His eye. He can never love you more that He does right now. He longs to spend time with you.... and He loves, loves, loves hearing your voice. Talk to Him today--it will make His day. And then He will talk back to you--and it will make your day!Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Source: A Lamp For My Feet
Scripture: Psalm 84:11
Shop for Elisabeth Elliot Resources
Yesterday we looked at a piece of property on the sea. There were lovely woods to one side, two tall, scraggly, very picturesque pine trees on the other, huge rocks which turn pink in the sunset below, and in front miles and miles of blue ocean.
It is not always easy to know whether a thing we long for is a temptation from Satan to distract us from obedience and make us discontent, or something God actually wants to give us and therefore wants us to pray for. There is no such thing as something "too good to be true." God is loving and lavishly generous and has promised to give what is good--that is, what He who is omniscient knows to be good for us.
So today I asked Him to give me the prayers He wants me to pray and to give or withhold anything according to his plan for me. Nothing is too big to ask of Him, not even an ocean lot. It is God's business to decide if it is good for me. It is my business to obey Him.
"No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" (Ps 84:11).
Check out more stories of weight loss at Tales From The Scales.
Congrats on the loss.
Congrats on the loss!!! Great job girl! I'm proud of you.
And great meditation today. I should sign up for those ones -- they sound good. I like Elizabeth Elliot's writing. D
Woo Hoo on the loss this week! Thanks for the reminder to keep on keeping on and not look back! It will happen.
great post Sharon. Congrats on those pounds!!!
Great job! You are very encouraging and I thank you for that! I can *see* it now...back to the healthy body I once had! ;-)
Idid my tag Sharon- it was a good one. I know there are dreams that I didn't write down, but it has sure got me thinking about it! Thanks.
I'm so proud of you! YAY!!! AND, I totally LOVED that devotion today! It hit right at home!!! Are you getting settled yet? Have you started searching for a new home?? Have a blessed day!!
I praying for something wonderful and good for you Sister! Congratulations on your 4 1/2...you go girl!
I have lost about 1 1/2 pounds. But I still need to get out and do some exercise and drink more water.
I met Elisabeth Elliot once and got her newsletters until she stopped writing them. I think she did get the place by the sea. You can go to her web page and see her old newsletters. They are really fun and have a lot of good gems, too!
Thanks for praying...I'm not fearful, but praying that I don't cough or move...it's hard to keep me still. Unless I'm sleeping, I'm moving.
Have a wonderful day in the Lord! I look forward to catching up on your posts!
Love ya!
I meant I'm :)
Great job on the weight loss! Keep it up and you'll reach your goal before you know it!
Yay, Sharon! You'll get that button in no time!
Great job! You are almost there - at the button. ; ) It's fun to work toward our goals! : )
I love love love Elisabeth Elliot. She is a breath of fresh air to me. Thanks for posting that devotion, I hadn't read it.
Soooo close to a button! Congrats!
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