Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Pure Heart

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is, Matthew 5:8.
It is my goal....the pure in heart will see God. There are times in my walk when I do not "see" Him, I am not even aware of His presence. And it would be truthful to admit that sometimes my heart is not pure.
But, it has become almost an obsession, I really do want to see Him.
I want to be aware of his presence, wrapped up in all that He is.
To feel the heaviness of Him in the quiet of my room.
You know that sense that you can hardly breathe because the fullness of Him is everywhere.
So--what brings those moments on?
A pure heart?
A pur--suing heart?
If we search for Him with all our heart----- He will be found.
How does that happen?
We must put aside or away from us all those things that distract us from having a pure heart. Only I know what some of those things are. Yes, there are some things, like the programs I watch, the books I read, the conversations I have both out loud and in my mind, that I know dirty my heart.
God is pure. He will allow only what is pure to touch Him. Sometimes I have gotten into the sweetness of His presence by loving on Him. You know --talking to Him about His goodness and how I long for Him---worship.
But--if my heart has been out playing in the filth of this world and then I come "home" and try to love on Jesus with that heart--He is not going to let me touch Him.
If I have let aggravation rule my heart--He is not going to let me touch Him.
A pure heart.
A heart that is wholly devoted to Him.
A heart that searches hard after Him and His ways.
Theses are the things that are going to open the heavens and let me see Him.
I want to see him.
To sit at His feet and wash His feet with my tears.
To sit at His feet and look into His eyes as He teaches me.
Just call me Mary.
It is why I do the things I do and Don't to some of the things I have left behind.
They are not beneficial in getting me to my goal.
And something that I think is a real important tie in for all this-------
No man shall see His face and live.
So--what if I am already dead. Can a dead woman see His face?
(No I am not talking about in the coffin dead)
Then I want to die. Each and every day with a heart that is pure---I want to die.
I'll never know when He might be planning a visit.
I don't want to miss seeing Him, because my house is dirty.
How about YOU?


Deena Peterson said...

Oh, girl...I'm going to be chewing on this one for awhile...that was good, good, good!

Nise' said...

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, God IS SO COOL! Just finished up with Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount came through as something so totally new for me! I was talking on the phone with a friend about an event at church we were finalizing and we were talking about those involved when I just felt so "creepy crawly" and it took a minute to figure out that where the conversation was going was not going to be gentle or merciful and gunk up my heart I am trying to clean up! I ask God to make me aware of Him and when He is showing Himself and I will applaud! I am sure people think I am nuts when I randomly applaud as I go about my business!

Anonymous said...

HOW KOOL IS OUR GOD. And how neat that your heart was tender enough to hear Him even while you were in the middle of another conversation! And how fantastic you recognized it for what it is. Your heart was being touched by something dirty and you said not. And how special that God used this to reconfirm what you already knew. I LOVE MY GOD!

SunnySusan said...

Very good and thought provoking post