Monday, September 21, 2009

Just to let you know

I wanted to let you know that this past Friday my laptop got sick. :( So I am writing this from hubby's computer. I'll probably be missing here till I can get it fixed. If you need to get in contact with me...... please send me an email and I will get on as often as I can to check my email.

You could pray that whatever is wrong will not have cleared everything off my computer...besides pictures, I do have some documents that would be nice to have back. :)
No, I was a dummy and did not back up my computer. :( For shame, for shame!

I do hope to see you soon.

Love ya'll.....and I will keep are buried deep in my heart. I thank God for you often. \o/


Melanie said...

Ooooo- that's not good! Hope you get it all fixed soon!

MelanieJoy said...

Hey Girl,
I feel your prayers. Know that I'm praying for you too and for Elayne!
Love you!

SunnySusan said...

Praying you get it fixed soon...and you did not is easy...just put it in reverse, right?!! LOL

Love you too....prayers...

luvmy4sons said...

I am back and you are gone! I have MISSED YOU! Making a few rounds today. Posted today as well since my break. I send you big hugs girlfriend!

Denise said...

Praying for you sis, I love you.

Holly said...

Praying that you can recover it all. Also praying for your friend, Elayne. Love to you!