Simply has been crazy busy!
Visits with Tim and Linda...our former pastor and his wife...before the conference. The conference and then visits with family for a few days after wards....I am ready for some normal.
We enjoyed some time out at my brothers with my Mom and Dad.....a few pictures of flowers from my brothers yard. Love the pink on's center looked like it was glowing....wish the picture was better. And then he has a whole hill that is filled with sun flowers...had to take a few pictures.
Visits with Tim and Linda...our former pastor and his wife...before the conference. The conference and then visits with family for a few days after wards....I am ready for some normal.
We enjoyed some time out at my brothers with my Mom and Dad.....a few pictures of flowers from my brothers yard. Love the pink on's center looked like it was glowing....wish the picture was better. And then he has a whole hill that is filled with sun flowers...had to take a few pictures.

She came up to view the moutain ministry and stayed for hours to help me get the place ready for Tammie and her family. It was nice to have help....but it was even nicer just to have her near.
Thanks again Mom for the help.

This next picture is of Tammie(His Word Is Life To Me) of our blogging buddies from Mississippi. She and her family arrived on the mountain and we had short intorductions and got them settled in and then we got out of their way.

And that is where the problem arose...they actually wanted to leave the mountain. :)

Rain that makes mountain roads...not yet covered with gravel....a nice grown up slip and slide. A slip and slide that makes feet go in the opposite direction and vans and trucks....go down mountains sideways.
We got a text from Tammie the next morning bright and early
notifying us that help was needed.
And so after calling around to find them a new place to stay...... where they could actually drive up to the door.....we headed up the mountain to rescue this poor mud challenged family.
We got their van down.....although it decided at the bottom of the hill to swing around sideways.
And then it was time for some real fun to began.
And then it was time for some real fun to began.

This is Mrs Joy.....House of Joy is her namesake.

We do hope that next year they will give us another try.......we promise to have the road finished by the time they return. :)
It is a really great place.....we look forward to serving more people. There are a few more things that need to be done to have things all finished.
Tomorrow Keith and I will be going up to start putting down some tile. My first try....good thing Keith knows what he is doing.
I can't wait till it is all finished so that I can post the pictures.
Maybe you can come and visit some time.....without the drama! :)
I'm so glad to see you being the hands and feet of Jesus to these sweet folk!!
Love ya much, Sharon!
At least they looked like they were having fun coming down the mountain. Can't wait to see some pictures!
Sometimes I can't help the way I think. As I was reading I thought about how our plans vs God's plans often end up with us stuck and in the mud. We're not content with the mountain top experiences God has for us and seek out our own adventures. This is by no means meant to offend or hurt the couple that went off to do their own site seeing. I was just relating it to how I live my own life sometimes when I don't listen to God and this made for a cute analogy.
Beside myself with excitement and wondering if I understand correctly that you have started a ministry/mountain retreat? MUST know/hear e-mail me!
When you have time!
Love your header!
Things are great here...still some challenges but, lots of fresh new growth and some dream coming to fulfillment...
Thanks for all your prayers!
Bless you for being such a wonderful friend. I really enjoyed these pictures.
This was the highlight of our trip!! You and Keith are the sweetest things ever. You made such a godly impression on my teenagers and on Mark and I too for that matter!
Yes Holly, they were the hands and feet of Jesus to us. Their service to us was a healing balm on our battle weary souls. Just what the Great Physician ordered!
Oh Sharon, thank you for your sensitivity to the Spirit in using your gift of service. You and Keith brought great glory to the name of our God. Through you God increased our faith and refreshed our souls. We feel more prepared to face the challenges we have ahead of us. My only regret is that we didn't get to sit down and have that cup of coffee and conversation we wanted....we'll save that for next time and there will be a next time....after the gravel gets laid down!
I love you to pieces!
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