8 Things
I haven't done a tag in awhile and my friend Michele decided she wanted to get to know me better so she tagged me with this fun tag.
Here's how to do this 8 THINGS thing:
Mention the person that tagged you.
Complete the lists of 8's.
Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends.
Go tell them you tagged them!
8. Things I look forward to:
1. Spending a week with Mom and Dad in Texas in June
2. Seeing our new home
3. Seeing my son serving Jesus
4. Starting the ministry He brought us here for
5. The glory God is going to get when my GAL case comes to an end
6. Moving from size 16 to a loose 14...and then seeing the process continue!
7. Finishing the basket I started and doing another one
8. Looking back on our time in the camper :)
8. Things I did yesterday
1. Went to Ready Med because of the pain in my jaw
2. Found out they thought I was having problems with Bells Palsy (I don't think so)
3. Listened to someone tell me they liked the color of my hair..that made me feel good. :)
4. Made some changes to my header...love the little ants
5. Took plenty of pain meds and yucky steriods
6. Talked to a buddy on IM
7. Ate too much
8. Bought a little pot and planted basil in it. (yum!)
8. Things I wish I could do
1. Write the book that is in my head
2. Wear a size 12
3. See the hearts of the DSS workers I am working with blown over by the GLORY of God.
4. Touch the pain in the hearts of those I deal with and see God heal it.
5. Hear the audible voice of God tell me what our future holds.
6. See certain friends turn back to God
7. See what our future holds
8. See satan squashed for what he is doing to my GAL family
8. Shows I watch
1. Charles Stanley...In Touch
2. The Today Show
4. Chuck...sometimes
5. Oprah if I think she is speaking of something I think I need to be aware of....like what she is teaching......it is a quick way to see where society is heading.
5. That is about it......I haven't been a big t.v watcher lately
Ya'll know I don't tag often....so if you want to do this I would love to come and read.
Don't forget to come back and tell me.
One more thing...while I was on break a sweet friend passed an award my way.
I promised to pass it on so this seems to be a good time to do it.
This little sweet award was given to me by Shirley of Ma Ma's Place. Thank you Shirley...I was touched!
Here is what is said about the recipients of this award.
MelanieJoy at In View
Leslie at Do You Weary Like I Do
Denise at Oh Sew Good
Michele at Beelieve You Can
D at D's Health and Weight Loss Journey
Susan at Heart For God
Sharon at God's Child
Pam at Grey Like Snuffie
Rebecca at Organizational Determination
Mary at Mary's Blog On Life
Denise at Samaritan Woman
Melanie at Livin With Me
Sandi at Do You Ever Think About
Denise at Free To Be Me
Halfmoon Girl at Shore Stories
Winging It at The Bird House
Darlene at Everything To Me aka Puff's Pocket
Nicki at Three Girly Girls
Mary/Mariah at Mary's Treasured Memories
Connie at Little Red Hearts From God
Deb at Riding Free With Deb
Tammie Fay His Word Is Life To Me
Rhonda at Mimi's Toes
Holly at Crown Laid Down
Elaine at Peace For The Journey
Linda at Southern Sunflower
Mary at Mary's Writing Nook
Nise at Thus Far The Lord Has Helped Me
Whew! I think that about gets all of you!
Sorry I did not do the linking...but that was a little too many to try to link.
I will try to make it by to let you know this is here.....of course if you are reading this...you already know. :)
Love ya girl!
Truly I do.
Complete the lists of 8's.
Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends.
Go tell them you tagged them!
8. Things I look forward to:
1. Spending a week with Mom and Dad in Texas in June
2. Seeing our new home
3. Seeing my son serving Jesus
4. Starting the ministry He brought us here for
5. The glory God is going to get when my GAL case comes to an end
6. Moving from size 16 to a loose 14...and then seeing the process continue!
7. Finishing the basket I started and doing another one
8. Looking back on our time in the camper :)
8. Things I did yesterday
1. Went to Ready Med because of the pain in my jaw
2. Found out they thought I was having problems with Bells Palsy (I don't think so)
3. Listened to someone tell me they liked the color of my hair..that made me feel good. :)
4. Made some changes to my header...love the little ants
5. Took plenty of pain meds and yucky steriods
6. Talked to a buddy on IM
7. Ate too much
8. Bought a little pot and planted basil in it. (yum!)
8. Things I wish I could do
1. Write the book that is in my head
2. Wear a size 12
3. See the hearts of the DSS workers I am working with blown over by the GLORY of God.
4. Touch the pain in the hearts of those I deal with and see God heal it.
5. Hear the audible voice of God tell me what our future holds.
6. See certain friends turn back to God
7. See what our future holds
8. See satan squashed for what he is doing to my GAL family
8. Shows I watch
1. Charles Stanley...In Touch
2. The Today Show
4. Chuck...sometimes
5. Oprah if I think she is speaking of something I think I need to be aware of....like what she is teaching......it is a quick way to see where society is heading.
5. That is about it......I haven't been a big t.v watcher lately
Ya'll know I don't tag often....so if you want to do this I would love to come and read.
Don't forget to come back and tell me.
One more thing...while I was on break a sweet friend passed an award my way.
I promised to pass it on so this seems to be a good time to do it.

Here is what is said about the recipients of this award.
“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.”
Deliver this award to a few bloggers
who must choose a few more bloggers
and include the message
MelanieJoy at In View
Leslie at Do You Weary Like I Do
Denise at Oh Sew Good
Michele at Beelieve You Can
D at D's Health and Weight Loss Journey
Susan at Heart For God
Sharon at God's Child
Pam at Grey Like Snuffie
Rebecca at Organizational Determination
Mary at Mary's Blog On Life
Denise at Samaritan Woman
Melanie at Livin With Me
Sandi at Do You Ever Think About
Denise at Free To Be Me
Halfmoon Girl at Shore Stories
Winging It at The Bird House
Darlene at Everything To Me aka Puff's Pocket
Nicki at Three Girly Girls
Mary/Mariah at Mary's Treasured Memories
Connie at Little Red Hearts From God
Deb at Riding Free With Deb
Tammie Fay His Word Is Life To Me
Rhonda at Mimi's Toes
Holly at Crown Laid Down
Elaine at Peace For The Journey
Linda at Southern Sunflower
Mary at Mary's Writing Nook
Nise at Thus Far The Lord Has Helped Me
Whew! I think that about gets all of you!
Sorry I did not do the linking...but that was a little too many to try to link.
I will try to make it by to let you know this is here.....of course if you are reading this...you already know. :)
Love ya girl!
Truly I do.
Enjoyed reading your meme. Sounds like you are really busy. I'm sorry you are experiencing pain and that it is taken care of soon.
I'm not much of a tv watcher either and now that I can't sit at the computer for long to do my writing, I'm a bit out of sorts.
Congratulations on receiving the award and also for losing the weight. Great job.
Take care. Praying for you and your GAL family.
Thanks Sharon , I have a shaddy and a really sunnie arie . Let me know if you need shaddy plants help . Thanks for the Kind Aword
I enjoyed your lists, and I love the cute little ants on your header. Great weight loss sis, proud of you. Congrats on your award, and thanks for passing it along. I love you.
I'll get the aword later , don't have time to tag & my eye isn't so good so I read and type as little as I can . Every thing goes slow when your eye sight is not good .
I'll be having surgery the 14th of may .
I will be back tomorrow and see if I can do this! :) I am a blogging newbie so to speak so I will try. Last time I tried stuff, I lost my WHOLE blog! ha!
You are one wonderful lady! :)
Way to go on the weight loss friend! I hope to follow in your footsteps, friend. You're an encouragement to me. And thanks for the award, also.
Your ants are Happy Dance Ants! Fun to read through your 8's. Someone else tagged me...I guess I should see if I could come up with this many thoughts. Thanks for sharing the award...it is our hope that He shines through us...in spite of ourselves. Love you, thanks for being an encourager to me.
Loved reading through your list! And what a sweet heart you have to name all those bloggers for the award. Thank you for encouraging me and your wonderful visits and comments! I need to get busy and assign my faithful commentator awards...Thanks sweet sister!
Reading your meme...how fun was that? Thanks so much for the sweet award...did my heart good!
Thank you, Sharon!
Love you, too, and praying for these desires of your heart to come to pass. Also, I'm praying for you to feel better!
The weight lost is the same I am hope for in the next few weeks. I want to go from a 16 to 14 because all my summer clothes are 14 and this winter I gained to much.
thanks for the lovely award
Thanks for the award! Love ya Girl!
I've got an IM buddy I love to talk to too! Thanks for walking this thing out with me too.
You bought a little pot?! LOL!
Should you be blogging about that?
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