We HAVE arrived!
It was a long.......long............long trip----and we only (almost) took out one poor person along the way who was stopped on the side of the road fixing his car.
Poor guy....his heart got a real jump start.......so did mine.
You know those times you wonder what will come out of your mouth when
you end up in a situation that could be life or death?
This is what came out of mine.....DEAR GOD HELP US!!!!!
Thank heaven for the sway bar on the camper hook up....and my husband who got it under control really quick. I think maybe he had some angelic help. ;)
We left at 2 in the morning and got here around 4 yesterday afternoon.
The view of the river is pretty.....but the camper right next to us is not so nice.
But HEY---its camping!
The people we have met are really nice and they all look out for each other.
So this will be our home base for as long as God wants.
I don't know if I mentioned it but all of our property in the Louisiana area has sold.
We have papers left to sign on the one in Covington and then it will be all final.
Our God is great and I want to thank ya'll for all your prayers.
Pretty good seeing the down economy and all. ;)
Always know this......if God plans to bless you......NOTHING can stand in
His way~we serve an awesome GOD.
Today I have to go out and try and get a P.O Box......try that without a house address. :)
But I have God on my side and I know He wants me to be faithful to pay my bills.....so He is going to give us a little help.
Next will be the bank......it helps to have checks to pay those bills.
It is beautiful here........if you are ever in the area ----
the Waynesville/Maggie Valley of North Carolina area
I'll try and get back to posting real soon.
Our conference starts Sunday so I will be pretty busy with that.
Till the next time......LOVE YA lots from North Carolina !
It was a long.......long............long trip----and we only (almost) took out one poor person along the way who was stopped on the side of the road fixing his car.
Poor guy....his heart got a real jump start.......so did mine.
You know those times you wonder what will come out of your mouth when
you end up in a situation that could be life or death?
This is what came out of mine.....DEAR GOD HELP US!!!!!
Thank heaven for the sway bar on the camper hook up....and my husband who got it under control really quick. I think maybe he had some angelic help. ;)
We left at 2 in the morning and got here around 4 yesterday afternoon.
The view of the river is pretty.....but the camper right next to us is not so nice.
But HEY---its camping!
The people we have met are really nice and they all look out for each other.
So this will be our home base for as long as God wants.
I don't know if I mentioned it but all of our property in the Louisiana area has sold.
We have papers left to sign on the one in Covington and then it will be all final.
Our God is great and I want to thank ya'll for all your prayers.
Pretty good seeing the down economy and all. ;)
Always know this......if God plans to bless you......NOTHING can stand in
His way~we serve an awesome GOD.
Today I have to go out and try and get a P.O Box......try that without a house address. :)
But I have God on my side and I know He wants me to be faithful to pay my bills.....so He is going to give us a little help.
Next will be the bank......it helps to have checks to pay those bills.
It is beautiful here........if you are ever in the area ----
the Waynesville/Maggie Valley of North Carolina area
I'll try and get back to posting real soon.
Our conference starts Sunday so I will be pretty busy with that.
Till the next time......LOVE YA lots from North Carolina !
What a view and I am praying for his many blessing on your life plans, you have had a heck of journey in this past season. Glad the land is sold and you are seeing a path to take for the future. Our God is an awesome God indeed!!
Beautiful view! We are talking about doing the same thing. We have a 5th wheel and we have our house for sale. Daughter is leaving in Aug. for college and hubby is gone M-F working. I am alone in this house. Instead of rushing into another house If this one sales...we may live in the camper for a while. Hopefully, this will get us ahead on bills.
Glad things are working out for you. I sent you a e-mail about Sisters by Blood. Hope to hear from you soon.
So glad to hear that you're semi-settled and especially that your property sold! PTL! Glad to hear that you arrived safely, yes, Angels were watching I'm sure. Good to know, eh?! Take care, wish I could pop by for a visit -- looks serene. Praying for you! D
Yay! All your property sold! That is so awesome! Praise God! I am going to go check out North Carolina (via computer). Glad to hear that you are finally there.
Woohoo! Sharon I'm so happy for you and Keith! He does come through! He does answer prayer!
I would be the best country girl if it weren't for the critters. Someone should have rescued me from the urban jungle a lot sooner and maybe I would have grown accustomed to winged insects, insect noises, things that slither, etc. Right now I still jump at a mosquito near my ear. Don't laugh! ;0)
Your view is beautiful! It looks peaceful. And I think that's what I appreciate about the country is the beauty and the solitude. Again bugs and critters are another issue.
I'm glad all worked out and look forward to keeping up with your posts!
Love you much,
Pastor Lisa
Yikes! for the fella on the side of the road. NC will never be the same now that you're here. It's already a better place. You never know, if we're up that way, we may just look you up.
Hey Girlfriend!!! So glad to here you guys made it safe and sound!!
I so wish I was sitting at that picnic table with you right now and talking about life. Our Ladies night went soooooo good tonight!! I'm going to try and post on it a little bit later tonight. Heading over to my sisters so I'll talk more soon!! LOVE YOU!!!!
Such lovely pictures sweetie. I love you, and I am constantly praying for you. Please take care.
Praise God that you arrived safely! Nice view! I am surprised you have such a good connection, Good deal!
what a totally awesome phase of life you have entered!
Blessings to you & yours!
Such wonderful news about your property selling! And a great internet connection where you are too- that's perfect! Glad things are going well.
It is so good to hear from you. So glad you have good Internet connection! I didn't know the properities both sold Hallelujah! Praise God. I know that He has something wonderful in store for you...and I have to say I just love your Sari attitude about it all! Great big hug to you dear sister.
You are right. Nothing can stop God's blessings from pouring down upon us.
I'm so glad you arrived safely and the view out your door is wonderful. I can hear the trickle of water. I do hope you have good luck with the PO Box and at the bank as well. Moving isn't any fun but I know you are following where God is leading.
Love and blessings,
I'm not sure I like seeing North Carolina on your profile =(
Just kidding...well kind of. I suppose it really will have to be just right of the Pearly Gates =)
Dear Sharon: I LOVE the SBB button. Please feel free to visit my blog at:
www.glitz54.blogspot.com (Gail's Potpourri). I am just coming up on the first anniversary of a very harrowing year... the loss of both parents w/i 101 days of each other AND an unwanted, divorce, in between their deaths. God is so good; He has been with me and continues to be with me. The "SISTERS" I have from my church family along w/God, are the ones who have so helped me get to where I'm at today! I couldn't do it w/o them. There is nothing like having Sisters By Blood --- what an awesome button for you to share with other gals!!! (Love the hats, high heels and the arm-in-arm thing they have going on!!!!) I think you and I may be kindred spirits~~!!
Yee-haw! That is southern for Hallelujah! :) What an awesome God and how far He has brought you! The properties are all sold!?!? So many people are sitting on stuff they have been trying to sell for years now. That just goes to show you that God has a divine timing for sure!
Praying for you! So good to hear of all that is going on!
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