I don't know about ya'll but I am not sure where this week went. It's Friday right?
Seems like it just flew by. Things have been very busy and I think I am looking forward to the weekend. Hubby will be enjoying some time away so I will be holding down the roost for a few days. That also makes things a tad more relaxed. Not that Keith stresses about the house at all--that is me. But right now I am not going to stress, I just want to chat.
Yesterday, I was out of pocket most of the day. Keith and I took a trip to Jackson-three hours away--to Bass Pro Shop.
He is a hunting man and he was in need of some supplies. Can you tell he was excited?
So we got a sitter and spent the day together. It was really sweet. I am finding that my husband has some cool thoughts going on in his head. Maybe my deep thinking is rubbing off on him?
We have not always been big talkers-- between us--but I think that is changing. God is good.
One of the subjects we talked about was the Garden of Eden.
Now, I know this is a non important subject but my mind likes to go there.
Do you think the garden of Eden is still there? If so, are there still animals in Eden?
And if it is still there--what happened to it during the flood?
Keith said maybe the angels guarding the gate with the flaming sword were the first scuba divers. Ha! That from a scuba diver!
Bottom line--is the tree of life still there?
We also had some cool discussion on the way home about the sky and the sun going down.
Keith talked about the higher clouds and how they were still reflecting the sun because they had risen far about the obstruction of the earth. How like those clouds we are. The SON is always shinning and if we are floating high above this worlds desires and pulls- then we will reflect His glory. Those who choose to be of this world will find that they are unable to reflect His light.
In this atmosphere but not of this world. :)
So we had some neat discussion and some great barbecue.
The guys all got something yesterday, but not the girls.
But, our time will come!
Here is a a peice of my email devotional this morning-- I thought it was pretty good.
I could soooooo identify with the man.
"God, is this the way You treat someone who is faithful to You?" I yelled out loud on the top of the wooded hill where no one but God could hear me. "I have waited and waited and now this! I hate You, God! I have had enough!" Those were my words that day as I wrestled with news of an event that devastated me to the point where I broke down weeping.
As I sat there among the trees deciding what else I could say to God, I was speechless. I was angry. I was confused. I wondered if He even existed. If He did, I felt like He really didn't honor my faith and obedience. I sat for hours wrestling internally with my feelings.
Finally, without answers and sensing that God wasn't answering me, I turned to leave. I had been sitting on an old oak tree that was broken at the base. The tree pointed toward the base of another huge oak tree. Finally, a still quiet voice inside said, "Today, like this broken oak tree you are sitting on, you are a broken man. But this brokenness was needed in order for you to become this large oak tree you see.".
I think-no, I know, it is important to be honest with God. He already knows.
Kind of like those times you are angry or upset with someone and they say, "Is something wrong?" And, we stoically reply, "Nooooo, everything is fine".
Liar , Liar pants on fire! Nothing is ever solved by denial. But we sometimes think if we just forget about it it will go away. It does not. It really just becomes other peoples problems.
God can deal with anything we throw at Him--anything but lies.
I have always felt better when I put it all on the table and God and I dealt with it.
Then God gives new perspective and new energy to walk in the way that is right.
I love Him!
Seems like it just flew by. Things have been very busy and I think I am looking forward to the weekend. Hubby will be enjoying some time away so I will be holding down the roost for a few days. That also makes things a tad more relaxed. Not that Keith stresses about the house at all--that is me. But right now I am not going to stress, I just want to chat.
Yesterday, I was out of pocket most of the day. Keith and I took a trip to Jackson-three hours away--to Bass Pro Shop.
We have not always been big talkers-- between us--but I think that is changing. God is good.
One of the subjects we talked about was the Garden of Eden.
Now, I know this is a non important subject but my mind likes to go there.
Do you think the garden of Eden is still there? If so, are there still animals in Eden?
And if it is still there--what happened to it during the flood?
Keith said maybe the angels guarding the gate with the flaming sword were the first scuba divers. Ha! That from a scuba diver!
Bottom line--is the tree of life still there?
We also had some cool discussion on the way home about the sky and the sun going down.
Keith talked about the higher clouds and how they were still reflecting the sun because they had risen far about the obstruction of the earth. How like those clouds we are. The SON is always shinning and if we are floating high above this worlds desires and pulls- then we will reflect His glory. Those who choose to be of this world will find that they are unable to reflect His light.
In this atmosphere but not of this world. :)
The guys all got something yesterday, but not the girls.
But, our time will come!
Here is a a peice of my email devotional this morning-- I thought it was pretty good.
I could soooooo identify with the man.
Confrontation With God
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman
"God, is this the way You treat someone who is faithful to You?" I yelled out loud on the top of the wooded hill where no one but God could hear me. "I have waited and waited and now this! I hate You, God! I have had enough!" Those were my words that day as I wrestled with news of an event that devastated me to the point where I broke down weeping.
As I sat there among the trees deciding what else I could say to God, I was speechless. I was angry. I was confused. I wondered if He even existed. If He did, I felt like He really didn't honor my faith and obedience. I sat for hours wrestling internally with my feelings.
Finally, without answers and sensing that God wasn't answering me, I turned to leave. I had been sitting on an old oak tree that was broken at the base. The tree pointed toward the base of another huge oak tree. Finally, a still quiet voice inside said, "Today, like this broken oak tree you are sitting on, you are a broken man. But this brokenness was needed in order for you to become this large oak tree you see.".
I think-no, I know, it is important to be honest with God. He already knows.
Kind of like those times you are angry or upset with someone and they say, "Is something wrong?" And, we stoically reply, "Nooooo, everything is fine".
Liar , Liar pants on fire! Nothing is ever solved by denial. But we sometimes think if we just forget about it it will go away. It does not. It really just becomes other peoples problems.
God can deal with anything we throw at Him--anything but lies.
I have always felt better when I put it all on the table and God and I dealt with it.
Then God gives new perspective and new energy to walk in the way that is right.
I love Him!
Preach it sweet sister, love you.
That is a great post about broken-ness about being real before God, a wonderful illustration. I loved that great chat you and hubby had. My hubby and I are at the stage of trying to find time to chat without little folk intercepting our conversations. We are looking forward to getting some just us time - some time. It will have been about a month by the time we do, and I am so looking forward to hanging out with him.
Great post Sharon. I like it when fellow Christians can be open and honest about their struggles. I appreciate that about you.
I enjoyed your post. I think about those simple things like the Garden of Eden as well. I like to think that it was swallowed up and hidden beneath the earths crust...lol. I actually began thinking about that after taking a geology course here in Denver. We were studying the road cuts through the mountains and the Denver batholith area...we used to be a metropolis out here. The Lord turned this beachfront into a mountainous area...that rocks! So, whereever the garden is...it's still beautiful. :) Even if it's only in my head...lol.
Glad you had the one on one hubby time...that's awesome!
Glad you had a blessed time with your hunny...thanks for praying for me sweet sista
Hello Sharon,
Love your post. I am glad you got some time away with your man. You are a good wife. We have a daughter named Eden so I am glad Eden was part of your conversation. Those were some good questions!
In Him!
Also, we have another conference on the 13th. Could you pray - but please be gentle on me!!!
My hubby and I spent the day together as well.... he took me shopping and it was INCREDIBLE! in many many ways, he's so much more fun than a girlfriend.
he makes me laugh.
makes me feel at home.
Sounds like the Lord has given you a wonderful man!
i'm so glad you enjoyed the day with him!
Such amazing pictures and a great post!
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