Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Good Morning Ladies!

Good Morning Girls!

How great is it to be able to say that. It is good to be back on line able to check in all all the girls. We are doing great. Yesterday I ended the day pooped--but I got a lot done. We are adjusting to our new schedule. PawPaw is having a hard time away from his wife. He misses her. I hope once the kids are out of school and the house is a little more active that He will enjoy the distractions.

I was over reading at Life is not a Cereal and I saw myself in what she was saying. She was talking about eating whatever she felt like.
For me sometimes lately it has been mindless eating. I eat things and then I remember my goals and get upset.
I am surprised I did not gain this week but I guess all the moving helped me out. So this week I have no loss--but no gain.

How did you do? You are in this for another week so I guess you have not fallen by the wayside.
Let's be the few, the proud---- that make it through to the end.

As your heart longs and chases hard after God---May He give you the desires of your heart.
May your eyes be open to see His goodness and may your healthy body be an amazing temple to house His glory.


Laura said...

"Make it through to the end" - that's what I like to hear! We can do it. Mindless eating is such an easy thing to do. Hope this next week will be brimming with mindful eating for you! :)

Denise said...

Hang in there sweety, you will be successful.

Holly said...

Hi Sharon!
I'm praying for you, as you make the transition. Will you pray for me? I just went to the doctor for a cold that's been holding on. I told him about a tremor I have had in my hands sometimes. So they did a blood test. If that comes back normal, I will be getting an MRI on my head, which frightens me some. The blood test is for my thyroid, so I guess, pray that it is that or that everything's ok with my head, well, you know, as ok as it can be with a Mama of 4 :)
Thanks Friend!

Melanie said...

You can do it! Don't give up. I do a lot of mindless eating too. The best way for me to avoid that is to not have lots of junk food in my house.
Have a better week!

A Captured Reflection said...

I was thinking of you this morning and felt I should send you some enveloping 'cyber' hugs. That you have all the grace, energy and 'mojo' that you need, that you feel His love surrounding you and lifting you up today.

I lost a bit more weight last week - I have 9lb left to go now, woo hoo, but it's been a bit harder to keep up with it all as we all have colds this week. C'est La Vie!

Nise' said...

Glad you are back on line! Will be praying for your family! I didn't do well at all this week in the weight loss and I am sooooo frustrated. I keep talking with God to make sure that I don't want weight loss more than I want Him! It is a fight not to let it be so consuming!